Organization Services

Clean Power Research, founded in 1998, develops cloud-based software solutions for the energy sector. Their products include PowerClerk for workflow automation, WattPlan for energy planning, and SolarAnywhere for solar data analytics. These tools support utilities, energy professionals, and consumers in integrating renewable energy sources and improving energy efficiency. The company collaborates with leading utilities and technology providers to deliver scalable and innovative energy solutions. Clean Power Research continuously advances its software to meet the evolving needs of the energy industry​. SolarAnywhere is the most trusted, accurate & validated solar resource dataset available. Typical year (TMY) and time-series data. Try Public data free today. Reduce risk in selecting project locations and secure the best financing terms Model long-term energy production and financial performance with confidence Access the right dataset for your project—Typical GHI year, 25+ year historical time-series or site-adapted data SolarAnywhere V3.8 Now Available! The latest version of SolarAnywhere historical data includes updated typical year files (1998–2023), high-latitude irradiance (Typical Year+ exclusive), additional wind data fields and more.= Site-Adaptation Studies: Combine your ground-based measurements with SolarAnywhere® irradiance data to reduce the uncertainty of your solar resource assessments and increase project profitability. SolarAnywhere Site-Adaptation Studies use an advanced site-adaptation methodology to tune long-term solar resource data to your ground-based measurements. Revenue $15.1 Million

Clean Power Research

Clean Power Research, founded in 1998, develo...

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