About this organization

Organization Name: Gannett Fleming

Organization Services

  • planning Services, Project Management

  • EV & Mobility, Charging Stations

  • Regulatory, Permitting, Environmental (geological, geophysical), SF6 Replacement

  • Inspection & Certification, Inspection and Audit Services

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Established in 1915 and headquartered in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, Gannett Fleming, Inc. provides infrastructure construction services. The companyspecializes in natural resources, transportation, water, power, and facility-related projects. Consultants, Security, Foundation Design/Build, Inspection/Testing Services, Project Management, T/L Engineering, Testing Power Cables, Foundation Design/Build, Substations, SCADA Systems/Software, Stationary Battery