About this organization

Organization Name: Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc

Organization Services

  • Substation Equipment, GIS, AIS, Power & Instrument Transformers, Transformer Components, Circuit breaker, Switchgear, switchboards, switches,Fuses, Insulator, Capacitor, Sub-Station Clamps & Connectors

  • Design Services, Substation layout & site design, Electrical, Civil, Structural, Protection & Control, AIS and GIS design, Transmission LineDesign, Tower Design

  • Distributed Management Systems (wind, solar, storage), ADMS, DMS, DER, DERMS, Microgram Controller

  • Renewable Energy (wind, solar, hydro)

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc. serves the North American power systems, rail transportation, and large visual display markets with electrical and electronic products, systems and services. Offering gas and vacuum circuit breakers, power transformers, gas-insulated substations, power electronics and transmission technologies including HVDC, battery storage systems, generator services, nuclear power plant control systems, uninterruptible power supplies, rail transportation equipment, and HD LED displays for sports, commercial and retail installations. Founded 1985. Design Services, Engineering/ EPC, Environment & Regulatory, Logistics, DER Integration, Microgrids, Volt/Var Optimization, Energy Storage, Generators, Solar PV, Battery Energy Storage, DER Management Systems (DERMS), Maintenance, Management & Monitoring Systems, High Voltage Switchgear & Breakers, HVDC, Maintenance, Management & Monitoring