About this organization

Organization Name: PayKeeper, Inc.

Organization Services

  • Finance/Legal, Project Finance & Development, Renewables Financing, M&A, Environmental Law and Permitting, Litigation and Dispute Resolution

  • Billing & Payment, CRM, CIS

    Organization Types:

  • Software Solutions
  • Business Services, Renewables Financing
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : PayKeeper, Inc., founded in 2012, specializes in providing payment processing and financial technology solutions. They offer a range of services including secure payment gateways, transaction processing, and financial management tools designed to streamline payment operations for businesses. PayKeeper is known for its focus on enhancing the efficiency and security of payment transactions, supporting various industries with their technology-driven solutions. With over a decade of experience, the company aims to facilitate smooth and reliable financial transactions through innovative technology and expert support. PayKeeper’s Automated Escrow platform is centered around solving the frustration and exasperation of the customer – contractor – supplier relationship. Using an insured escrow account ensures contractor accountability, timely customer payments, and supplier confidence. After managing construction payments for over 20 years, a better way was created: The PayKeeper Way. Revenue: $2.7M+