About this organization
Organization Name: Solidification Products International, Inc.
Organization Solution and Services
Regulatory, Permitting, Environmental (geological, geophysical), SF6 Replacement
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Founded in 1991, Solidification Products International (SPI) specializes in the development and manufacture of patented oil spill containment products. Their key offerings include Petro-Plugs®, Petro-Pipes®, and Petro-Barriers™, designed to prevent oil and hydrocarbon contamination while allowing rainwater to drain. Other products include Pump-Thru Barriers™, StormWater Petro-Barriers™, and portable oil containment liners. Serving industries such as utilities, military, municipal, industrial, and solar projects, SPI provides cost-effective and advanced solutions for environmental protection and compliance with regulations. SPI manufactures Patented Oil-Spill Prevention products and systems. Headquartered in Northford, CT., Solidification Products International, Inc. is a veteran owned company and has been providing products for utilities, military, municipal, industrial & solar projects around the world for over 30 years. All SPI products are designed to prevent hydrocarbons from getting released into the environment and serve as a great compliment to any SPCC plan. Through Customization, SPI is equipped to assist you with new projects as well as Retrofit Oil Containment Systems. Stop by booth 380 for a complimentary consultation about your project! Rev: $8.2 Million