About this organization
Organization Name: Clean Energy Associates
Organization Solution and Services
PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter
Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter
- Engineering
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years
Revenue: $12 Million
Organization Information : CEA helps buyers and long-term owners of solar and energy storage equipment buy the right products and ensure they are properly manufactured and installed. From our US headquarters and our Asian base in Shanghai, CEA's global team has helped our diverse customer base of project developers, EPCs, IPPs, and financial institutions understand industry trends and market dynamics, select the best suppliers, negotiate the best contracts, carefully audit production processes, test equipment in the field, and perform technical and acquisition due diligence. Our experience executing over 250 GW of solar and 45 GWh of storage projects in over 80 countries, including work in over 350 production facilities, is invaluable to our clients as they navigate the ever-changing and hyper-competitive landscape of clean energy. CEA is a subsidiary of Intertek Group plc, a FTSE listed company based in London, with 1,000 test labs and 44,000 professionals working in 100+ countries.
Other Information: Summary: Clean Energy Associates (CEA), founded in 2008, is a global leader in solar and storage quality assurance, supply chain management, and engineering services. CEA provides comprehensive solutions across the solar and energy storage project lifecycle, including technical due diligence, factory audits, product testing, and field inspections. Their services ensure the reliability, performance, and longevity of renewable energy systems. With a presence in over 80 countries, CEA supports developers, investors, and EPC contractors in mitigating risks and optimizing the value of their clean energy investments. Their expertise fosters the growth of renewable energy worldwide.