About this organization

Organization Name: NEP

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : NEP (Northern Electric Power) was founded approximately ten years ago and is headquartered in California. The company specializes in advanced microinverter and rapid shutdown technologies designed to improve cost efficiency and reduce installation labor for solar energy systems. Their microinverters, ranging from 300Wac to 1000Wac, are used in residential and commercial rooftop applications. NEP’s rapid shutdown solutions meet safety regulations and improve performance. The company has expanded globally, with installations in over 35 countries, including across the U.S. NEP is a Benefit Corporation, reflecting its commitment to environmental and social responsibility​( NEP’s product focus is on exceptional, proven microinverter and rapid shutdown technologies designed to lower product cost and reduce labor time. The microinverter line ranges from 300Wac to 1000Wac, and we offer rapid shutdown solutions for both residential and commercial rooftop applications. Headquartered in California and a legal Benefit Corporation, NEP got its start ten years ago. NEP’s first installations were in Japan. The company has since expanded to installations in over 35 countries, including all parts of the US.


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