About this organization

Organization Name: Energy Solutions and Supplies LLC

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Energy Solutions and Supplies - Solar (ESAS) is dedicated to supply renewable energy products (primarily solar PV products) to help customers produce electrical energy in a responsible and sustainable way. We have proudly made solar electric systems affordable for thousands of families from all over the world. We believe in sustainability, so we recycle by reusing solar products such as solar panels, batteries, inverters and many more. If they cannot be reused, we can dispose of solar products responsibly though our downstream partners. SUMMARY: Energy Solutions and Supplies LLC specializes in renewable energy and energy efficiency products. Their offerings include solar panels, wind turbines, and hydro energy systems. They also provide LED lighting solutions and other products aimed at enhancing energy efficiency. The company focuses on delivering sustainable and innovative energy solutions to meet the growing demand for renewable energy sources. Energy Solutions and Supplies LLC was founded in 2010. The company's annual revenue is approximately $50 million, reflecting its significant presence and impact in the energy sector. REV: 50M


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