About this organization

Organization Name: Billets Elektro Werke Pvt Ltd.

Organization Services

  • Mounting and Fastening Hardware, Grounding and Anchoring EQ (Anchor Rods), Support and Mounting EQ (Clamps, Braces, Washer, Pin), Earth Anchors, Conductor Hardware

  • Distribution Overhead & Underground Cables & Conductor Accessories, Electrical Connectors & Wiring Devices, Fasteners/ Splicers / Terminators, Electrical insulation

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Billets Elektro Werke Pvt Ltd, India "3D " is a leading manufacturer of Cable Lugs, Connectors, Bimetallic Lugs, Bus Bars, Split Bolts, and Copper Tubes , Strips and Semis .Experience of more than 40 years in the field and the leader in domestic market and also Exporting countries like Australia, S. Africa, Europe Alum & Copper Bus Tube, Conductor Accessories, Conductors – Wire/Bus, Connectors / Splicers / Terminators