About this organization
Organization Name: K-Line Insulators Limited
Organization Solution and Services
Insulator, Insulator Materials, Plastic Materials/protective Coatings , Insulating Oil, Cable Fill, Insulation Accessories
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size:
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : K-LINE INSULATORS LTD. (KLI) Engineers and Sales Specialists are industry experienced. This in-depth knowledge and understanding of Transmission and Distribution systems, positions KLI as a unique resource to Clients. Founded in 1959, KLine Group of Companies provides solutions for the high voltage and related sectors focusing on power projects from initial financing and consulting through to design and construction as well as commissioning and ongoing maintenance. KLine Group of Companies is located in Canada. Consultants, Education/Training, Contractor, Foundation Design/Build, Maintenance Products / Services, High Voltage Insulators, Insulators, High Voltage Insulator