About this organization
Organization Name: EMT SF6 & Eco Gas Analysis & Handling
Organization Solution and Services
Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring
Regulatory, Permitting, Environmental (geological, geophysical), SF6 Replacement
- Equipment & service, Product
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : EMT provide a complete solution for Insulating Gas Management in the Power Transmission and Distribution industry; with best practice testing, handling and repair technologies for SF6, Eco Gas and Dry Air applications - designed, manufactured and serviced in-house. Our market leading products and services for Gas Analysis, Handling, Leak Detection and Management ensure that critical assets remain operational, whilst ensuring the safety of personnel and protection of the environment. SF6 Reclamation Systems, Instruments, Metering Equipment, Safety Equipment, Inspection/Testing Services, Maintenance Products / Services, Test Equipment/Services, SF6 Reclamation Systems, Transformer monitoring, Infrared Equipment/Systems, Transformer monitoring