About this organization
Organization Name: GBE S.p.A.
Organization Solution and Services
Substation Equipment, GIS, AIS, Power & Instrument Transformers, Transformer Components, Circuit breaker, Switchgear, switchboards, switches,Fuses, Insulator, Capacitor, Sub-Station Clamps & Connectors
Transformer, Medium & Low Voltage, Industrial Transformer
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size:
- Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Leading European Manufacturer of medium voltage cast coil, dry type and oil filled transformers and reactors, standard, special and customized solutions. Excellent quality products supplied worldwide. Looking for business partner in the USA! Founded 2000. Cast Resin and VPI Transformers: These transformers range from a few kVA to 30 MVA, in all voltage classes up to 52 kV (BIL 250 KV). Oil Filled Transformers: These transformers range from 50 kVA to 50 MVA, 145 kV (650 kV BIL). Air Insulated, Resin and Oil Reactors: These reactors come with and without magnetic cores, and range from a small kVAr value up to 10 MVAr. Transformers with amorphous core: These transformers range from 100 kVA up to 2500 kVA.