About this organization

Organization Name: Infrared Inspection Systems

Organization Solution and Services

  • Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

    Organization Types:

  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Embark on a journey into the world of thermal imaging with Infrared Inspection Systems. We are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation in manufacturing, offering cutting-edge cameras tailored to diverse industry needs worldwide. Our extensive range encompasses both handheld and fixed solutions, providing versatility across various applications. Handheld devices combine portability with high resolution, while fixed cameras ensure uninterrupted monitoring. With our wealth of experience, we empower professionals to make informed decisions and enhance safety standards. Visit us to explore our revolutionary thermal imaging solutions and revolutionize your approach to thermal imaging! Infrared Inspection Systems (IIS) offers thermal imaging cameras for asset monitoring and perimeter security applications. They use FLIR infrared technology to detect heat variations that might signal problems. Utility Vehicles, Instruments, Metering Equipment, Power Measurement Equipment, Power Quality, Protective Relay Test Systems, Alarms – Annunciators, Safety Equipment, Inspection/Testing Services, Program Management, Project Management, Test Equipment/Services, Testing Power Cables, Transportation Management, Energy Management, Power System Analysis, Computing & Economics, High Voltage Insulators, Substations, Towers, Insulators, Surge Protective Devices, Switches, Switchgear, Utility Distribution, Capacitors/Capacitor Banks, Energy Management, Power Conditioning Equipment, Power Electronics, SCADA Systems/Software, Voltage Regulators, Indicators/Detectors, Infrared Equipment/Systems, Surge Protection, Transformer monitoring, High Voltage Insulator, Steel Transmission Towers


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