About this organization
Organization Name: MetPlas Inc.
Organization Solution and Services
Insulator, Insulator Materials, Plastic Materials/protective Coatings , Insulating Oil, Cable Fill, Insulation Accessories
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Metplas fabricates custom parts from electrical insulation, copper busbar & plastics. Finished parts are machined and fabricated to your exact specifications. A build-to-print fabricator. Founded 1981. Metplas mid-sized manufacturer focused on custom parts made from plastics and non-ferrous metals Conductors – Wire/Bus, Materials, Plastic Materials/Coatings, Plastics, Insulators/Insulating Material, Insulators, Transformers/Transformer Components