About this organization

Organization Name: SAM

Organization Solution and Services

  • Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : SAM is the nation's largest managed geospatial and inspection services company and the leader in our industry. We pioneer the deployment of innovative solutions for collecting and analyzing complex data across a wide range of markets and infrastructure projects. Our national reach, expertise, and applied technologies uniquely equip us to capture physical environments from coast to coast-delivering practical insights and high-quality georeferenced data. Founded 1994. Consultants, Inspection/Testing Services, LiDAR Surveys, Mapping Services, Project Management


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