About this organization

Organization Name: United Engineers & Constructors

Organization Solution and Services

  • planning Services, Project Management

  • Power Generation & Power Plant Solutions, Power Generation EQ & Accessories, Gas & Steam Turbines, Generators

    Organization Types:

  • Engineering Solutions, EPC
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : We are an infrastructure engineering, procurement, construction, and consulting company delivering comprehensive lifecycle services for the generation, nuclear, power delivery, renewable, and distributed energy markets. Today, we are helping deliver the grid of the future, bring new technologies online, extend the life and efficiency of existing plants, implement renewable energy programs, and deliver a new era of clean, reliable, and efficient energy to enable a smarter, more sustainable world. Founded 1905. UE&C, is a leading infrastructure engineering, procurement, construction and consulting (EPC&C) company focused on the power industry Consultants, Contractor, Foundation Design/Build, Program Management, Project Management, T/L Engineering, Total Power Solutions, Power System Planning & Implementation, Foundation Design/Build, Substations


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