About this organization
Organization Name: Richards Manufacturing
Organization Solution and Services
Distribution Overhead & Underground Cables & Conductor Accessories, Electrical Connectors & Wiring Devices, Fasteners/ Splicers / Terminators, Electrical insulation
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Richards Manufacturing Company, in business for over 75 years, provides a unique combination of high-quality products and unmatched customer service. Introducing the next generation of Network Protector technology, the NEW 416NP Deadfront Draw-Out Design. Innovative Medium Voltage Products through 35kV, including the NEW CSH Series Cold Shrink 600A Deadbreak Elbow. Connectors include aluminum and Conductor Accessories, Connectors / Splicers / Terminators, Communications, SCADA Systems/Software, Transformer monitoring, Arrestors, Relays, Transformer monitoring, Transformers/Transformer Components