About this organization
Organization Name: EMSPEC / HAPAM
Organization Solution and Services
Substation Equipment, GIS, AIS, Power & Instrument Transformers, Transformer Components, Circuit breaker, Switchgear, switchboards, switches,Fuses, Insulator, Capacitor, Sub-Station Clamps & Connectors
Power Generation & Power Plant Solutions, Power Generation EQ & Accessories, Gas & Steam Turbines, Generators
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : EMSPEC, now part of HAPAM B.V., manufactures high quality and easy to install switching equipment including a complete range of medium and high voltage, and now, extra high voltage disconnect switches such as the folding vertical break, vertical break, center break, double end break, side break, semi-pantograph, pantograph, indoor and outdoor tilt switches, grounding switches, power generation switches, manual and motor operators and a complete range of accessories. Maintenance Products / Services, Switches