About this organization
Organization Name: Utility Pole Solutions, Inc
Organization Solution and Services
Tower Components, Pole, Pole Line Hardware Fittings & Accessories, Earthing Stay & Tower Accessories, Steel Fabrications & Crossarms, Antennas, Grounding Equipment, Lightning Arrester
- Consulting
- Equipment & service, Product
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Utility Pole Solutions purchases surplus steel utility poles and makes them available for immediate delivery. We have an inventory of more than 2000 steel transmission and distribution poles in 8 pole storage yards across the U.S. This inventory enables us to engineer and deliver poles to your exact specifications in a matter of weeks. All poles are engineered in PLSpole by a PE. Typically our pole orders are delivered within 1 to 3 weeks. Consultants, T/L Engineering, Steel Pole Manufacturing, Steel Transmission Towers, Steel Transmission Towers