About this organization
Organization Name: PUPI Crossarms (GEOTEK)
Organization Solution and Services
Tower Components, Pole, Pole Line Hardware Fittings & Accessories, Earthing Stay & Tower Accessories, Steel Fabrications & Crossarms, Antennas, Grounding Equipment, Lightning Arrester
- Equipment & service, Product
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : PUPIĀ® fiberglass crossarms and components have been used successfully by leading electrical utilities around the world since 1990. PUPI continues to earn a market-leading position by investing in Technology, Engineering, and a Service Model tailored specifically to meet the needs of our Utility Customers. Alliance TM fiberglass light poles combine responsive service with a long lasting and versatile product offering. This combination delivers unsurpassed value to our customers and communities. Poles/Crossarms