About this organization
Organization Name: Threaded Fasteners, Inc.
Organization Solution and Services
Tower Components, Pole, Pole Line Hardware Fittings & Accessories, Earthing Stay & Tower Accessories, Steel Fabrications & Crossarms, Antennas, Grounding Equipment, Lightning Arrester
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Threaded Fasteners specializes in the manufacturing, custom packaging, and distribution of high-quality steel fasteners for the electrical utility industry including tower and electric utility bolts and anchor bolts. We manufacture Rebar Cages, Plate Washers, Hex Head Bolts, Square Heads Bolts, Double Arming Bolts and Custom Anchor Bolts here in the United States. Threaded Fasteners Inc. (TFI) is an employee owned business that specializes in the manufacturing, custom packaging and distribution of steel fasteners, including tower and electric utility bolts, anchor bolts, A325 structural bolts, A394 tower bolts, nuts, washers and more. Fasteners, Materials, T/D Anchors and Hardware, Tower Foundation Anchors