About this organization

Organization Name: Utility Solutions Inc.

Organization Services

  • Distribution Overhead & Underground Cables & Conductor Accessories, Electrical Connectors & Wiring Devices, Fasteners/ Splicers / Terminators, Electrical insulation

  • Inspection & Certification, Inspection and Audit Services

    Organization Types:

  • OEM, Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Utility Solutions is a designer and manufacturer of hot line tools and products for the electrical power industry. Founded in 1990 by engineers with broad electrical distribution experience, Utility Solutions has accumulated an impressive list of innovative and patented products that directly relate to a lineman's job. Load Break Tools - Hardware/Tools, Instruments, Metering Equipment, Safety Equipment, Distributed Utility Equipment, Overhead Dist & Trans, Switches, Utility Distribution, Animal Mitigation, Transformers/Transformer Components