About this organization
Organization Name: Shanghai Shemar Power Engineering Co., Ltd
Organization Solution and Services
Transmission Overhead & Underground Cables & Accessories, Cable Lugs & Terminals, Duct spacers, Splicers, Spacer dampers, Conductor Accessories, Insulator Accessories
Tower Components, Pole, Pole Line Hardware Fittings & Accessories, Earthing Stay & Tower Accessories, Steel Fabrications & Crossarms, Antennas, Grounding Equipment, Lightning Arrester
Substation Equipment, GIS, AIS, Power & Instrument Transformers, Transformer Components, Circuit breaker, Switchgear, switchboards, switches,Fuses, Insulator, Capacitor, Sub-Station Clamps & Connectors
- Equipment & service, Product
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size:
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Vision: to be the world's most innovative new materials energy equipment integration services provider. Mission: focus on the existing and sustainable development issues in energy industry to provide solutions by innovation of technology and promote the industry development. Insulators/Insulating Material, High Voltage Insulators, Poles/Crossarms, Towers, Bushings, Insulators, Overhead Dist & Trans, Transformers/Transformer Components, High Voltage Insulator, Steel Transmission Towers