About this organization
Organization Name: West Power Energy
Organization Solution and Services
planning Services, Project Management
Design Services, Substation layout & site design, Electrical, Civil, Structural, Protection & Control, AIS and GIS design, Transmission LineDesign, Tower Design
- Consulting
- Engineering Solutions, EPC
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : WestPower Energy is a leading multi-disciplinary engineering consulting firm, with primary specialization in power generation, transmission, and distribution. We strive to provide engineering services to public and private utility companies, consultants, as well as contractors taking part in the design and construction of power generation facilities, transmission lines, and substations, across Canada and the United States. We offer solutions from pre-feasibility studies all the way to detailed design and preparation of as-built recordings. We are also a provider of construction and commissioning supervision alongside extensive project management in multi-disciplinary environments.