About this organization

Organization Name: Doble Engineering Company

Organization Solution and Services

  • Substation Equipment, GIS, AIS, Power & Instrument Transformers, Transformer Components, Circuit breaker, Switchgear, switchboards, switches,Fuses, Insulator, Capacitor, Sub-Station Clamps & Connectors

  • Inspection & Certification, Inspection and Audit Services

  • Electrical Test EQ, Sensors, Measuring EQ, Monitoring, Weather (solar) Monitoring, Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Transformer Monitors, DGA, Bushing Monitors, Switchgear/Circuit Breaker Monitor, substation eq Monitor

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Doble Engineering Company is the leading global energy industry provider of advanced testing solutions, innovative diagnostic systems, and premier engineering expertise to support a safe and sustainable future. Our companies and product lines include ALTANOVA Group, ISA, Manta Test Systems, Morgan Schaffer, Phenix Technologies, TECHIMP, and Vanguard Instruments. ChatGPT Doble Engineering Company specializes in diagnostic instruments, services, and software for the maintenance and testing of high-voltage power delivery equipment. Their products and services primarily cater to the electric power industry and are used to test the reliability and performance of transformers, protection systems, rotating machinery, and other components of electrical networks. Some of their well-known products include protection testing equipment, insulation diagnostic tools, and power system simulators. They also offer consulting and testing services to ensure the proper functioning and longevity of power infrastructure. Education/Training, Instruments, Protective Relay Test Systems, Test Equipment/Services, Transformer monitoring, Transformer monitoring


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