About this organization

Organization Name: Fulcrum

Organization Services

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

  • Power Engineering Softwares & Analysis, Power System Planning, Dynamic Analysis, Reliability Analysis, Load Flow Analysis, Power System Design, Power System Protection

    Organization Types:

  • Technology Solutions, Software Companies, IT Solutions
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Fulcrum’s industrial-strength field data collection and process management platform is built for field warriors. Hardware / Software, Mapping Services, Program Management, Project Management, Power System Analysis, Computing & Economics Fulcrums mission is to improve the way field teams work by automating mobile inspection and data collection processes to ensure safer, higher quality, and more compliant outcomes.We are committed to empowering field teams every day with our next-gen Field Inspection Management platform that improves team performance and safety, keeps projects on track, and eliminates regulatory compliance headaches. Adapt on the fly. Turbocharge productivity and compliance. Integrate advanced geospatial data. Bridge the gap between your FieldTech ecosystem and the office.