About this organization

Organization Name: FulcrumAir Corp

Organization Solution and Services

  • Security solutions & protecting substations, Visual Monitoring, Substation Camera, Drones, Robotics, Security Equipment, Helicopter operations

    Organization Types:

  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : We specialize in developing precision-focused aerial robotics for the powerline industry to make working in the high wire environment safer and more efficient. Our in-house engineers invent and create equipment tailored to the needs of the powerline industry, keeping safety, efficiency, and accuracy at the forefront of our focus Founded in 2016 and investing over 20,000 hours of design and engineering, FulcrumAir Inc. has developed two of the world's leading industrial UAVsand an autonomous robot, the LineFly. FulcrumAir designs, manufactures, and operates aerial robotic solutions that address unique problems in the forestry, infrastructure, power transmission, and environmental sectors.


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