About this organization
Organization Name: Dranetz Technologies / Electrotek Concepts
Organization Solution and Services
Inspection & Certification, Inspection and Audit Services
AMI & Smart Meter
- Equipment & service, Product
- OEM, Manufacture
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Dranetz Technologies was founded in 1962 and started the PQ monitoring industry. Dranetz is a leading provider of PQ instrumentation and software for both fixed systems and portable applications. Electrotek was founded in 1984 and its PQView 4 software is the industry’s leading smartgrid database software application for power quality monitoring, analysis, reporting, and automatic fault location, all delivered on a thorough, yet easy-to-use platform. Dranetz and Electrotek part of the GMC Instruments Group. Metering Infrastructure, Operations Management, Meters, Other Electrical, Measuring and Testing Technologies