About this organization

Organization Name: EnerNex - KEMA Labs

Organization Solution and Services

  • Inspection & Certification, Inspection and Audit Services

  • Regulatory, Permitting, Environmental (geological, geophysical), SF6 Replacement

  • Distributed Management Systems (wind, solar, storage), ADMS, DMS, DER, DERMS, Microgram Controller

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

  • Cybersecurity & Grid Resilience

  • AMI & Smart Meter

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Engineering Solutions, EPC
  • Training/Education
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : EnerNex is a leader of engineering, consulting, and research services to the electric power industry worldwide. KEMA Labs is the world leader for the independent Testing, Inspection and Certification activities in the electricity industry. EnerNex and KEMA Labs are part of CESI Group, a world-leading technical consulting and engineering company in the field of technology and innovation for the electric power sector. With a legacy of more than 60 years of experience, CESI operates in 70 countries and supports its global clients in meeting the energy transition challenges. esign Services, Engineering/ EPC, Environment & Regulatory, Training/Education, Demand Response, Smart Metering (including net and pre-pay), Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS), DER Integration, Distribution Management Systems (DMS), Fault Location, Isolation, Service and Restoration (Flisr), Microgrids, Outage Management, Root Cause Analysis, System Architecture, Volt/Var Optimization, etc. EnerNex is an electric power engineering and consulting firm specializing in the development and application of new electric power technologies. EnerNex provides engineering services, consulting, and software development and customization for energy producers, distributors, users, and research organizations


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