About this organization

Organization Name: SAF North America LLC

Organization Solution and Services

  • Protection & Control Systems, SCADA, Relay Systems, Data Acquisition Systems

  • Networking Hardware & Software, Telecommunications, Fiber Networks

    Organization Types:

  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : SAF Tehnika is one of the world’s leading microwave equipment manufacturers with a global presence in over 130 countries. SAF’s point-to-point microwave radios offer data transmission speeds exceeding 10Gbps and are a more cost-effective and efficient solution in places where a wired broadband network isn’t available. Available from 300MHz - 87GHz. SAF concentrates on energy transmission, smart grids, and utility communications. Their product range, including the Integra Series and Spectrum Compact Series, caters to the critical needs of utilities for secure, efficient, and robust wireless communications. SAF's cutting-edge solutions support the seamless operation of modern, interconnected power systems, where the focus is on technology's role in the evolving utility industry. Communication Systems, Field-Area Networks (FAN), SCADA, Transmission Towers, Wide-Area Network (WAN), Wireless Communications Equipment, Communication (Private Networks), Transmission and Distribution Planning, Communication Networks, Data Management, Analytics & Security, Safety Equipment and Systems, SCADA & Control Systems


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