About this organization

Organization Name: DJI

Organization Solution and Services

  • Rugged, Wearables

  • Security solutions & protecting substations, Visual Monitoring, Substation Camera, Drones, Robotics, Security Equipment, Helicopter operations

  • Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring

    Organization Types:

  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : Creativity is at the heart of every dream. Every idea, every groundbreaking leap that changes our world starts with the vision of talented creators. At DJI, we give these creators the tools they need to bring their ideas to life. Our platforms empower them to capture images that were once out of reach. Our flying and camera stabilization systems redefine camera placement and motion. Amazing photos and video, treasured personal memories, and high-end professional imagery are captured every day, in every corner of the world using DJI products. DJI, also known as Da Jiang Innovations, has become the world's largest drone maker


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