About this organization
Organization Name: ProsumerGrid
Organization Solution and Services
Data Management & Analytics, Customer Analytics, Pole Analytics
Distributed Management Systems (wind, solar, storage), ADMS, DMS, DER, DERMS, Microgram Controller
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : ProsumerGrid is an award-winning startup company with the vision to optimize the world’s energy resources in order to achieve the objectives of ultra-reliability, economic optimization, and sustainability. ProsumerGrid uses a proprietary and advanced software solution which combines high-fidelity models of the grid and DERs, with sophisticated optimization models to simulate how resources connected to transmission, distribution and microgrids should be optimally operated, and how DER-based grids at any level can be optimally planned. Planning Services, Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS), DER Integration, Distribution Data Management and Analytics, Microgrids, Optimization, Cloud Solutions, Data Management & Analytics, Enterprise Software/Platform Systems