About this organization

Organization Name: GenCell Inc.

Organization Solution and Services

  • Power Continuity, backup power systems, Industrial Power Supply, UPS, Battery charging Equipment

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Equipment & service, Product
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : GenCell Inc. is the U.S. arm of GenCell Energy (TASE: GNCL) developing GreenFSG power solutions based on reliable, zero-emission alkaline fuel cells, Hydrogen2Power™, Ammonia2Power™ and Water2Power™ technologies that deliver uninterrupted power to help the world #SayNoToDiesel and transition to clean energy. The ability to produce not only clean power from GenCell’s fuel cells, but also the green fuel on which the fuel cells run, sets GenCell in a far superior position as a well-to-wheel total green energy solution provider. GenCell delivers resilient, robust and weather-resistant backup power for utilities, telecom, EV charging and other mission-critical applications which have been deployed in 23 countries. Going ahead, we are designing an ammonia-based hydrogen-on-demand solution to provide economical primary power for off-grid and poor-grid sites, as well as for rural electrification. GenCell numbers some 130 employees, including veterans of space and submarine projects. The Company is headquartered in Israel with a worldwide distribution and support network and retains unique intellectual property that includes patents, trade secrets and know-how. rogrids, Energy Storage, Generators, Long-duration Storage, Prosumers


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