About this organization

Organization Name: Survalent

Organization Solution and Services

  • Distributed Management Systems (wind, solar, storage), ADMS, DMS, DER, DERMS, Microgram Controller

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

    Organization Types:

  • Technology Solutions, Software Companies, IT Solutions
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Survalent is the most trusted provider of utility software solutions, including advanced distribution management systems, DERMS, and substation automation, for electric, water/wastewater, gas, renewable energy, and transit utilities across the globe. Over 700 utilities in 40 countries rely on the SurvalentONE platform to effectively operate, monitor, analyze, restore, and optimize operations. Our technology platform and fully integrated solutions support critical utility operations to help our customers significantly improve operational efficiency, customer satisfaction, network reliability, and resiliency. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and to our customers has been the key to our success for over 60 years. Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS), DER Integration, Distribution Automation, Distribution Management Systems (DMS), Fault Location, Isolation, Service and Restoration (Flisr), Microgrids, Operations Management, Outage Management, SCADA & Control Systems, Substation Automation, Volt/Var Optimization, DER Management Systems (DERMS), SCADA & Control Systems


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