About this organization
Organization Name: NovaTech Automation
Organization Solution and Services
0Automation Substation & Distribution Solutions, Industrial Control Systems, Control Switches & Connectors, PLC, Drive, Human Machine Interface
Protection & Control Systems, SCADA, Relay Systems, Data Acquisition Systems
- Technology Solutions, Software Companies, IT Solutions
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : NovaTech Automation designs and manufactures automation solutions for the evolving power grid, inside and outside the substation. We provide solutions for SCADA, substation automation, grid automation, power metering, and precision timing. Our rugged Orion, Bitronics, and Kronos product lines deliver reliable performance in demanding power environments. All are made in the USA and supported by a 10-year warranty. NovaTech products can be combined with professional services for configuration, packaging, installation, commissioning and training to reduce the time to implement your projects. NovaTech's focus has traditionally been on providing automation and control solutions for industries, such as process automation, substation automation, and power management. Distribution Automation, Substation Automation, SCADA & Control Systems