About this organization

Organization Name: Contract Callers, Inc (CCI)

Organization Solution and Services

  • Billing & Payment, CRM, CIS

  • AMI & Smart Meter

  • Building Electrification, Building Energy Management Systems, Smart Buildings and Homes

    Organization Types:

  • Trade Labor/Staffing, Workforce Development
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : CCI is a leading professional services company that helps utilities bring their smart energy networks to reality. We leverage our experienced project managers, safety-focused work force, and cutting-edge technology to deliver safe field production with a high degree of quality. CCI is uniquely positioned to deliver a broad range of services including smart grid solutions, meter services, call center & scheduling, collections, telematics & driver safety solutions, and work order management software powered by AI. Safety is at our core and we are partnering with Azuga to showcase our ability to improve efficiency, reduce costs and improve driver safety. Azuga goes beyond adding features designed to enhance your drivers’ safety: Safety scorecard; Gamification app where drivers can check out how they rank; Built in driver reward system; Coaching videos auto selected based on driver weaknesses. Safety, Trade Labor/Staffing, Billing/CRM/CIS, Mobile apps, Residential Engagement Programs, Smart Metering (including net and pre-pay), Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Vehicle-to-X solutions, Energy Management Systems, Smart Buildings and Homes, Smart Streetlights


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