About this organization
Organization Name: Heimdall Power, Inc
Organization Solution and Services
Electrical Test EQ, Sensors, Measuring EQ, Monitoring, Weather (solar) Monitoring, Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Transformer Monitors, DGA, Bushing Monitors, Switchgear/Circuit Breaker Monitor, substation eq Monitor
Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring
Distributed Management Systems (wind, solar, storage), ADMS, DMS, DER, DERMS, Microgram Controller
- Engineering Solutions, EPC
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
- Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : Heimdall Power Inc. is a grid enhancing technology company dedicated to provide the U.S. utility sector with world-leading services, such as Dynamic Line Rating (DLR) and Ambient Adjusted Ratings (AAR). Through our unique state-of-the-art software and sensors, we enable American utilities to release unprecedented benefits across their grid at system-wide scale, offering a quick an affordable path to compliance with both FERC Order 881, and NERC FAC-008. Our overhead line sensors are easily installed on energized power lines by our fully autonomous drone system. Asset Management, DER Integration, Fault Indication Monitoring, Fault Location, Isolation, Service and Restoration (Flisr), Operations Management, Outage Management, Sensors, Weather Forecasting, Data/digitalization, Flexibility, Optimization, AR/VR/Machine Learning/AI, Maintenance, Management & Monitoring Systems, Transmission and Distribution Planning, Drones/Helicopters/Inspection, Maintenance, Management & Monitoring