About this organization

Organization Name: Scopito

Organization Solution and Services

  • AI, Machine Learning, AR/VR

  • Asset Management & Inspection, Predictive Maintenance, Automated alarm condition monitoring

  • Data Management & Analytics, Customer Analytics, Pole Analytics

    Organization Types:

  • Technology Solutions, Software Companies, IT Solutions
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : At Scopito, we are experts at digitizing your assets. Our platform uses automation and Machine Learning to derive all-important insights from your geospatial data. Scopito is a software company that specializes in providing solutions for visual data management and analysis, particularly in industries such as renewable energy, telecommunications, and infrastructure. The company focuses on helping organizations efficiently manage and derive insights from visual data, including images and videos captured through various means like drones or other inspection technologies.


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