About this organization

Organization Name: Accurant International

Organization Solution and Services

  • Vegetation Management/Wildfire Mitigation

  • Billing & Payment, CRM, CIS

  • planning Services, Project Management

  • Digitalization & Analytics

  • Energy Efficiency, HVAC, Building Materials, Heat Pump

  • AMI & Smart Meter

  • EV & Mobility, Charging Stations

  • Grid Modernization

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Trade Labor/Staffing, Workforce Development
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 0-5 Years

Organization Information : Accurant International offers solutions, technologies, and services to help utility and corporate clients in implementing projects and solutions related to digital transformation, grid modernization, energy efficiency, grid resiliency, maintenance and asset management, EV management and demand response, and renewable integration. Accurant also invests in and advises clean-tech companies in their solutions development and go to market and sales strategies. Accurant is the founder of the NET ZERO ALLIANCE, a partnership of a group of clean tech and energy technology companies with technologies to help utilities and their customers to drive towards Net Zero Carbon emissions. Solutions demonstrated include EV Charge Management, Customer Engagement and Load Disaggregation using AMI data, Touchless Substation Monitoring, Commercial Building Energy Management and Optimization, Advanced AMI Analytics, Grid Management using AMI Data, Advanced Fault Detection and Analytics, Wild-Fire detection, Energy Efficiency Management, Asset Maintenance and Management, Billing Pre-Pay solutions, Operations Technology (OT) and Grid Consulting and Advisory services, EV and OT hardware solutions, Fault Detection and Grid sensors, and Decarbonized Energy Purchase & Sales solutions. Participating Net Zero Alliance Companies include: Accurant International, Bidgely, Systems with Intelligence, Flex Charging, Paygo, and Expedium Consulting. Engineering/ EPC, Planning Services, Trade Labor/Staffing, Billing/CRM/CIS, Building Management Solutions, Customer Data Management/Analytics, Demand Response, Residential Engagement Programs, Smart Metering (including net and pre-pay), Asset Management, DER Integration, Distribution Data Management and Analytics, Fault Indication Monitoring, Fault Location, Isolation, Service and Restoration (Flisr), Metering Infrastructure, Microgrids, Sensors, Vegetation Management/Wildfire


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