About this organization

Organization Name: FlexCharging

Organization Solution and Services

  • Enterprise software, ERP, Outage Management, Digital Twin, Mapping Equipment Solutions/GIS, 3D, Siite Assessment Platform

  • EV & Mobility, Charging Stations

    Organization Types:

  • Technology Solutions, Software Companies, IT Solutions
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : For more than five years, our team has been working to make it easy and seamless for utilities and other agencies to prepare for the residential EV charging influx. From our collective experience in energy, we know that planning for the future and keeping customers happy go hand in hand. Our customer-centric approach combined with intelligent analytics lets us understand the residential EV driver and help our clients engage in the right ways. FlexCharging develops and provides EV management software for Utilities. The company's platform offers critical data, ideal for transportation electrification planning and smart charge program management. By providing insights via near real-time EV driving for 20+ EV Automakers (nearly 70 EV models), Utilities benefit from up-to-date grid capacity and distribution infrastructure planning and management. EV data is acquired via telematics, no additional hardware, reducing program costs to enable successful adoption by drivers. Save money, increase grid resilience and reduce carbon emissions for a greener grid.


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