About this organization
Organization Name: SISCO
Organization Solution and Services
Networking Hardware & Software, Telecommunications, Fiber Networks
0Automation Substation & Distribution Solutions, Industrial Control Systems, Control Switches & Connectors, PLC, Drive, Human Machine Interface
- Engineering Solutions, EPC
Organization Types:
- Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
- Organization Years In business: 10+ Years
Revenue: -
Organization Information : SISCO delivers solutions for the energy industry by enabling support for open international standards, including IEC 61850, ICCP-TASE.2, IEEE COMTRADE, and CIM. Our technology helps customers build resilient, interoperable power system applications using widely adopted international standards. Our products include source code, off-the-shelf interfaces, Unified Analytics Platform, and other tools to facilitate efficient systems integration. Our services include consulting, systems integration, application development, training, support, and maintenance. Engineering/ EPC, Protection and Control, Substation Automation