About this organization

Organization Name: Construction Innovations

Organization Solution and Services

  • Field work & Engineering, Filed equipment, Field work & Machinery, Site access & ROW clearing services, Construction Equipment/Tools, Trench and Utility Boxes

    Organization Types:

  • Construction
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: $23.3 Million

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Construction Innovations is the leading provider of integrated solutions to the energy industry. CI creates value with our specialized designs, flexible manufacturing and efficient installation methods. Using our in-house engineering and design teams to support the manufacturing of assemblies and kits that are customized to each project’s requirements, our fully integrated product solutions, active schedule coordination and logistics streamline construction activities and enhance facility operation.

Other Information: Construction Innovations, LLC is a dynamic construction company that specializes in providing cutting-edge construction services, including project management, design-build, and general contracting for both residential and commercial sectors. Known for its commitment to quality, efficiency, and client satisfaction, the company integrates modern technologies and innovative approaches to deliver cost-effective and sustainable construction solutions. By leveraging a team of experienced professionals and collaborating with leading industry partners, Construction Innovations, LLC focuses on delivering projects on time, within budget, and to the highest standards.

Key People Info:


Alexander Matsis


Business Development Manager




Michael Anderson


Chief Financial Officer




Samuel Taye


Chief Executive Officer




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