About this organization

Organization Name: LandGate

Organization Solution and Services

  • Data Management & Analytics, Customer Analytics, Pole Analytics

    Organization Types:

  • Software Solutions
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : LandGate, founded in 2016 and headquartered in Denver, Colorado, is a leading provider of data solutions and an online marketplace for U.S. commercial land resources, including solar, wind, carbon, oil & gas, minerals, and water. The platform aids landowners, real estate agents, and investors in understanding property rights values and transacting efficiently. By leveraging automated data tasks and digitized valuations, LandGate significantly reduces costs for investors and enhances its marketplace’s network effect. The company received Series A funding from Rice Investment Group in 2019 and has partnered with organizations like The Realtors Land Institute and the University of Texas at Austin to expand its seller network. LandGate is the leading provider of information, data solutions, and an online marketplace for US commercial land and its resources: solar, wind, carbon, oil & gas, minerals, and water. The company helps developers, investors, real estate agents, and landowners understand energy and environmental resource values and connect on its online marketplace for everything land-related. LandGate’s platform applies its technology to provide leads, data, analytics, and web applications to substantially reduce costs and accelerate land transactions. LandGate has a differentiated product advantage built on the digitization of land resource data and valuations. With LandGate’s data solutions and web applications, developers, investors, and real estate professionals can, (1) run economic engineering studies in minutes, (2) access land leads and MLS listings, and (3) manage their leads in a land CRM web app connecting their team and Salesforce. Revenue: $2.5M


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