About this organization

Organization Name: Guangzhou Battsys Co.,Ltd

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

  • Power Continuity, backup power systems, Industrial Power Supply, UPS, Battery charging Equipment

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Founded in 2006, Guangzhou Battsys Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock high-tech enterprise specializing in ODM and OEM services, with a focus on customized and diverse research and production of lithium batteries. The company operates under the brands "BATTSYS" and "FULLRIVER." Battsys produces various battery types, including steel shell cylindrical, pouch cylindrical, pouch square, and pouch ultra-thin batteries. Their product range includes commercial and utility ESS, residential ESS, solar storage batteries, lead-acid to lithium conversions, AGV batteries, and start-stop batteries. With an annual production capacity of 80K cells and 200K battery packs, Battsys exports its products to Europe, America, Africa, and Asia. ●Founded in 2006, a join-stock high-tech enterprise engaging in ODM and OEM, especially for customized and diverse research & production of lithium battery. ●“BATTSYS” and “FULLRIVER” brands. ●Battery cell including Steel Shell Cylindrical Battery, Pouch Cylindrical Battery, Pouch Square Battery and Pouch Ultra-thin Battery. ●Pack including Commercial & Utility ESS, Residential ESS, Solar Storage Battery, Lead-acid Conversion to Lithium Battery, AGV Battery and Start-stop Battery. ●Annual production capacity are 80KK cells and 200K battery packs. ●Products exported to Europe, America, Africa and Asia etc.


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