About this organization

Organization Name: Anhui Wingo Technology Co.,Ltd.

Organization Solution and Services

  • PV/Solar, PV Module, PV Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Anhui Wingo Technology Co., Ltd., founded in 2010, is a renowned photovoltaic manufacturer based in Hefei, Anhui Province, China. As a leading enterprise in the industry, WingoSolar is dedicated to "energy conservation, excellent quality, and sincere service," actively promoting new energy exploitation and applications. The company emphasizes a low-carbon lifestyle and aims to contribute to environmental sustainability with a vision of "green water and blue sky." WingoSolar offers high-quality products and is committed to the corporate spirit of "Customer Goes First," focusing on continuous R&D in new energy solutions. Their mission is to share the benefits of sunlight and enhance quality of life globally. Anhui Wingo Technology Co., Ltd., Ltd is one of the inland famous photovolta-ic manufacturing enterprises,which locates in the beautiful middle partcity-HeFei, which is suitable for investment. WingoSolar always persists concept of"energy conservation,excellent qualitysincere service" and actively promotes new energy exploitation and application.proposes low-carbon life and returns the nature with one “green water and bluesky" The company provides customers with high quality products. in new energyindustry,the blooming WingoSolar will continuously be obedience to enterprisespirit of"Customer Goes First", dedicating to develop new energy productresearch and development,sharing sunlight and happy life together with you.


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