About this organization

Organization Name: Zhejiang Cardiff Cable Co., Ltd

Organization Solution and Services

  • Electrical Conduits, Cable Management Systems

  • Networking Hardware & Software, Telecommunications, Fiber Networks

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size: Revenue under 10M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Zhejiang Cardiff Cable Co., Ltd., established in 2002, is a manufacturer specializing in the production of various types of cables and wires. The company offers a wide range of products, including power cables, control cables, and communication cables. Zhejiang Cardiff Cable focuses on providing high-quality, reliable cable solutions for applications in power distribution, telecommunications, and industrial settings. Their commitment to technology and quality ensures that their products meet industry standards and support the efficient operation of electrical systems. ZheJiang CardiffCable Co., Ltd. have cooperated with global famous enterprises, during the time we’ve accorded requirements of customers made the great quality cable which including standard EN, VDE, UL, JIS, we get the leading skill for cables. CardiffCable staffs will do our best for quality, technical, economy to provide comprehensive cable solution for your all requirements, then reduce your costs of application and development.


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