About this organization

Organization Name: Zhejiang AMPower Co., Ltd.

Organization Solution and Services

  • Energy Storage Systems, Batteries, Energy Storage component, Inverter

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Organization Size:
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 5-10 Years

Organization Information : Zhejiang AMPower Co., Ltd., founded in 2017 as a joint venture between Chilwee and General Electric, specializes in sodium-nickel chloride batteries (Durathon®) and energy storage system integration. The company focuses on the production, research, and development of Durathon® batteries, which are known for their high performance and reliability. AMPower’s business includes the comprehensive integration of these batteries into energy storage systems, supporting various applications with advanced energy solutions. Zhejiang AMPower Co., Ltd. is a joint venture founded by Chilwee and General Electric in 2017. The business footprint of AMPower mainly covers the production, R&D and sales of the sodium-nickel chloride battery (also known as Durathon® battery), as well as the energy storage system integration of Durathon® battery.


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