About this organization

Organization Name: Bureau Veritas

Organization Solution and Services

  • planning Services, Project Management

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Testing Lab, Inspection/Certification, R&D
  • Organization Size: Revenue over 100M
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Bureau Veritas, founded in 1828, is a global leader in testing, inspection, and certification services. They provide a range of consulting and compliance services across various industries, including construction, manufacturing, energy, and environmental sectors. Bureau Veritas offers services such as quality control, safety inspections, regulatory compliance, and certification for international standards. Their focus is on ensuring that organizations meet industry standards and regulations, improve quality and safety, and manage risks effectively. Bureau Veritas primarily operates in the consulting and certification sector rather than manufacturing products. Bureau Veritas North America Power provides comprehensive construction management, project management and technical advisory services to the utility-scale renewable-energy markets, including the wind, solar, battery-energy storage and transmission sectors. Our subject matter experts are advocates for your project through its entire lifecycle, ensuring success through the owner’s engineering, preconstruction and on-site owner’s representation stages. Backed by BV’s 80,000-plus employees, Bradley is a team of 60 seasoned managers and subject matter experts (SMEs), most of whom are equipped with over 10 years of construction experience. Our industry knowledge provides us to the ability tackle any problem throughout the owner’s engineering and technical advisory, preconstruction and on-site representation stages of a project. Revenue: $6.3 Billion


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