About this organization

Organization Name: CPower Energy

Organization Solution and Services

  • Grid Management Solutions, Energy Management Systems (EMS)

    Organization Types:

  • Consulting
  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size:
  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : CPower Energy, founded in 2000, is a company that specializes in demand response and energy management solutions. They provide services to help organizations optimize their energy usage and participate in demand response programs to manage electricity consumption during peak periods. CPower Energy focuses on creating strategies to enhance energy efficiency, reduce costs, and support grid reliability. Their expertise includes energy management consulting, program implementation, and technology solutions to support various sectors in optimizing their energy use and contributing to sustainable energy practices. Their primary focus is on consulting and managing energy resources rather than manufacturing. CPower Energy is the national leader of grid balancing and reliability solutions, creating a Customer-Powered GridTM that will enable a flexible, clean and dependable energy future. With 6.3 GW of capacity at more than 17,000 sites across the U.S., we unlock the full value of distributed energy resources to strengthen the grid when and where it’s needed most. CPower is based in Baltimore, Maryland and is owned by LS Power, a development, investment, and operating company focused on the power and energy infrastructure sector. For more information, visit: www.cpowerenergymanagement.com.


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