About this organization

Organization Name: Accuenergy (Canada) Inc.

Organization Solution and Services

  • Electrical Test EQ, Sensors, Measuring EQ, Monitoring, Weather (solar) Monitoring, Dynamic Line Rating (DLR), Transformer Monitors, DGA, Bushing Monitors, Switchgear/Circuit Breaker Monitor, substation eq Monitor

    Organization Types:

  • Manufacture
  • Energy and Service provider
  • Organization Size: Revenue in the 10M-100M range
  • Revenue: -

  • Organization Years In business: 10+ Years

Organization Information : Accuenergy (Canada) Inc., founded in 2005, is a company based in Canada specializing in energy measurement and monitoring solutions. They provide a range of products and services, including energy meters, data loggers, and monitoring systems for various applications such as commercial, industrial, and utility sectors. Accuenergy focuses on delivering advanced metering technologies that enable accurate measurement, analysis, and management of energy consumption. Their solutions support energy efficiency, cost management, and compliance with industry standards, helping clients optimize their energy use and reduce operational costs. The company is dedicated to advancing energy management through innovative technology and reliable data. Accuenergy manufactures and designs industrial power and energy meter solutions. This also includes a variety of current transformers, hall effect sensors, energy management software, data acquisition communications devices, and much more. Revenue: $67.9 Million


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